5 minutes bike
2 rounds of:
10 squats
10 scapular pushups
10 band pull apart
With PVC:
5 snatch + 5 overhead squat
4 snatch + 4 overhead squat
3 snatch + 3 overhead squat
2 snatch + 2 overhead squat
With empty barbell:
5 snatch + 5 overhead squat
4 snatch + 4 overhead squat
3 snatch + 3 overhead squat
2 snatch + 2 overhead squat
A. EMOM16 (4 rounds):
Minute 1: 8 RDL
Minute 2: 16 glute bridge
Minute 3: 8 overhead squat
Minute 4: 16 single arm DB row (8/arm)
B. For time:
12 plate to overhead
12 DB snatch (6/arm)
12 ring row
50 mountain climbers