5 minutes bike
One set of:
200 meters DB farmers carry
Two sets of:
20 KB side bend
10 KB deadlift
10 KB sumo squat
One set of:
200 meters DB farmers carry
A. Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – 15 barbell hip thrust
Station 2 – 30 band pull-apart
Station 3 – 60 second plank
B. For time:
36 KB swings
18 hanging knee raise
200 meter run
24 KB swings
12 hanging knee raise
200 meter run
12 KB swings
6 hanging knee raise
200 meter run
A. 95lb barbell
B. 35lb KB (unsure about time since my Luca woke up during the last round and I had to run to nurse him)