January 14, 2024


400 meter run

Two sets of:
6 cossack squats/side
12 bodyweight squat
18 mountain climber

Two sets of:
6 Bulgarian split squat/leg
12 banded pallof press with rotation, 6/side
18 alternating reverse lunge

A. Ever 3 minutes for a total of 5 rounds:
10 back squat @ 95lb
10 hanging knee raise
10 calf raise
10 DB front squat

B. Three rounds for time:
200 meter run
9 burpee
24 walking lunge
15 wall ball

By Ann-Louise Strandberg

Ann-Louise Strandberg

About me

Hey there! I'm Ann-Louise, and I proudly wear the badge of a working mom with honor. Although I'm originally from Sweden, I've been fortunate to call beautiful San Diego my home for the past 11 years.

My life's a beautiful juggling act, constantly striving to strike that perfect balance between my professional commitments and cherishing precious moments with my little superstar, Luca, who brightened our lives in September 2022. Some days, I feel like I've got it all together, while on others, well, let's just say it's a work in progress.

In the midst of the motherhood hustle, I've become quite the expert in food planning and prepping, my secret weapon for staying sane and keeping things running smoothly on those bustling weekdays.

When I'm not immersed in food prep and planning, you can find me dedicated to my ultimate passion – exercise! It's not just a hobby; it's my escape, keeping me energized and centered. Though it took some time to rediscover my exercise groove after giving birth, I now love every moment of it.

Amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood, Mamas Bits & Bites is my way of sharing a slice of joy and inspiration with fellow moms on their unique journeys.